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Health Benefits of Napping

A nap is a short period of sleep, usually taken during the day. Studies show that a short nap in the mid-afternoon can boost memory, improve job performance, lift your mood, and ease stress.

19 January 2021

According to WebMD, napping may provide the following benefits:

  • Improve memory. Studies have shown that sleep plays an important role in storing memories. A nap can help you to remember things learned earlier in the day as much as a full night’s sleep.

  • Napping might help to understand and process information. In one study, nappers found it easier to put together information they got earlier in the day.

  • Napping may improve your mood. Napping, or even just resting for an hour without falling asleep, can have a positive impact on your emotional state.

  • Napping can bring better memory and learning. WebMD recommends taking a nap instead sipping a coffee when working or studying.

  • Napping may release stress and improve the immune health.

  • Napping can help the body to recover from pressure-filled situations. One study found that people who napped for 45 to 60 minutes had lower blood pressure after going through mental stress.

  • Naps can help to sleep better at night. Studies show a 30-minute nap between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. combined with moderate exercise, like a walk, helps improve nighttime sleep.

  • Naps can help children. Naps are critical for learning and development for preschool-age children. Children who nap regularly are better able to recall things they learned.

According to, naps can be categorised depending on the function they serve:

  • Recovery Nap. When staying up late or having an interrupted sleep at night, it is suggested to take a recovery nap the next day to compensate for sleep loss.

  • Prophylactic Nap. This type of nap is taken in preparation for sleep loss. For example, night shift workers may schedule naps before and during their shifts in order to prevent sleepiness and to stay alert while working.

  • Fulfillment Nap. Children have a greater need for sleep than adults. Fulfillment naps are often scheduled into the days of infants and toddlers.

  • Essential Nap. When being sick, there is a greater need for sleep. This is because the immune system mounts a response to fight infection or promote healing, and that requires extra energy. Naps taken during illness are considered essential.

In order to take the best nap, suggests to:

  • Set an alarm.

  • Nap early

  • Create a sleep-friendly environment

  • Set aside your worries. recommends including 10 to 20 minutes nap in a daily routine. This is considered the best nap length in most situations and is sometimes referred to as “power nap”.


WebMD. 13 June 2020 9 October 2020

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